

The Urban Future Leaders of the World Program aims to divert underserved youth from destructive activities such as violence and substance abuse to uFLOW teams, where these youth will receive mentorship, resources, and funding to implement their own community service projects. In the process these youth will develop leadership & entrepreneurial skills, gain a sense of belonging and self esteem, and commit to creating positive change in their community.

In the long run, uFLOW aspires to be North America's largest networked organization of at-risk teenagers with the ultimate aim to help improve the socioeconomic conditions that exist in the most impoverished communities.

How it works

High school students with a potential solution to an important problem in their community may apply to the program, and if accepted will be provided with support, expertise, and funding to aid in implementing his/her project. For example, a student who feels gang violence is a major problem in his/her community could propose starting a violence prevention program for middle school kids, or a student who realizes diabetes is a problem in his/her community could propose a glucose screening program. In addition, students have mentors, and leadership activities will take place throughout the year to develop their leadership skills.
Incentives are used to aid in motivating and recruiting high school students. For instance, participants accepted to the program may receive a new computer, tickets to a Chicago Bulls game, and a small monetary stipend.
Despite a flux of social programs, public policy prescriptions, and a rise in national economic growth over the past 40 years, inner cities in continue to remain overwhelmed with challenges such as substance abuse, diabetes, HIV, violence, unemployment, poverty, lack of housing, and poor sanitation.

The “Urban Future Leaders of the World” Program (uFLOW) was founded in in 2009 by a group of medical students enrolled in University of Illinois-Chicago's Urban Medicine Program, served to provide a new and innovative way to tackle these complex problems. FuFLOW rested on the premise that residents of a community are best situated to identify the problems in their own community. The team also recognized the insight and energy that youth possess, and thus the uFLOW approach focused on empowering youth to tackle their own community problems. This approach assured that each youth led project would both contribute to improving the community, and also help increase the youth's confidence, leadership skills, and commitment to their community.

Understanding that youth have choices, and that almost a million youth are drawn to gangs, uFLOW was designed to be FUN and exciting for the students. The goal was to blend fun and service. Carefully placed incentives draw students into the program, a team format to promote a sense of belonging, and a youth targeted marketing plan draw youth to the program.

uFLOW rests on blending the ideas of the youth with volunteer mentors in the community who have the knowledge and skill capable of helping students implement these ideas. Mentors see themselves as “mentors with a cause”, as they guide youth to create meaningful projects. In 2011/2012 uFLOW had expanded to three schools in Chicago and through its simple organic chapter based model, it quickly expanded to Cleveland, San Francisco, Boston, and New York. in 2018 uFLOW adjusted its project focus on public health, with plans to build a headquarters out of Chicago.

  1. Dr. Vipan Nikore
    Founder and Executive Director
  2. Terrence Moduthagam
    Chief Marketing Officer
  3. Tim Kuruvilla
    President of US Operations